
News updates from the Kiribati Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development.

Strengthening Resilience: GSD and UNDP Collaborate on WOIA Project in Kiribati

Strengthening Resilience: GSD and UNDP Collaborate on WOIA Project in Kiribati

The Geo-science Division (GSD) of the MFOR team meets with UNDP officials for discussions on the new Project, called “Enhancing Whole of Islands approach to strengthen Community Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks in Kiribati" (WOIA). The project aims to address the exacerbation of climate change on coastal infrastructure, water security and food security by increasing community resilience to the impacts of climate change, climate variability and disasters and building capacities at national and island levels. MFOR has an important role to contribute to this project through coastal and ocean assessments. MFOR acknowledges UNDP for kick-starting the consultations of this project which will provide support to the Office of the President (OB) and all relevant stakeholders including GSD for its implementation.

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